With the new big boy concept, Cooper also decided that he was ready to help with yard work. He used to sit and ride the mower with dad but noooo, that is boring. So he thought weed-eating would be a good move. I was biting my tongue as Lee said he could try and off they went. Yes...more tears as I watched my 'big boy' grow before my very eyes. (I am extra emotional you know:)) He did a great job and seems now that every day he wants to weed eat. It may help if it would stop raining---on the news it said that out of 28 days of August, we've only had 8 without rain....we are wet down here!! That has also put a hold on baseball practice which is stressing Lee out because the season starts next Sunday!!! Hope for the best for Temple 1!!
dad keeping a close eye
1st day of school!!
As for the rest of us, we are just waiting. We have one more week from today that Caden is expected to come. Actually, as I type this at 9:30am, in one week I will be walking into the hospital to check in to have my baby boy. I went to the doctor yesterday for a check up because over the weekend and Monday I was having terrible contractions. When he checked me, I was dilated to 3cm and he could feel the baby's head...I was so excited until he said, "see you next Wednesday". Seriously? Really, you are going to take the chance that I go into labor and have to have an emergency c-section....again??? I've done that and trust me, not my idea of fun. But as I was driving home I was praying and knew that God was in control. He reminded me that He had created Caden and had his birthday planned at the beginning of creation and that no matter what I thought or the doctors, Caden would come when He had planned it. So for now we are just going day to day, waiting and enjoying the last few days of being a family of 3!!
We love you all and can't wait for us all to meet little Caden Layne Allen!