Just thought I'd post a quick note about Cade and Coop's recent activities. Not much going on around here except still trying to have some sort of routine and schedule. You know me, I'm a schedule kinda gal and I like to have some type of normacy in my life which I think (fingers crossed) we are getting. Coop had off a couple of days for Veterans day (thank you daddy for serving our country) and the weather was beautiful!! He had a playdate with a different friend every day and Lee and I were wore out:) Sunday after church we decided to just hang out around here and take Axel for a walk and prepare for D-day on Monday. Caden's shots. 5 shots to be exact. He actually did very well and only cried for a little bit....is it wrong that mommy cried more and longer?!?! He is growing like a weed and was 13 lb 6 oz and 23.5" long. (I told you he liked to eat!) All was good and we don't have to go back until the 4 month mark. After that load of fun, we headed to chuck e cheese for brother a surprise. Cade slept through is first trip to the wonderful land of chucke and has slept A LOT yesterday and today. He's had a low fever so we've kept him pumped with tylenol which I'm sure is helping with the sleeping. Here are a few pics from the last couple of days. I am excited to go home for Thanksgiving and see you all. I hope aunt Sherry is better and we can enjoy spending time together. I am so very thankful for all of the MANY blessings in my life. Love to you all!!

Those eyes melt my heart...
helping brother on the computer
brotherly love...matching shirts for Church on Sunday
boo boos
sticker maw maw gave to help him stay brave!
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