Friday, April 12, 2013

lots of catching up.....

Wow, I apologize that I have not updated any info or pics in SO LONG!! Things have been CRAZY this past month so I'll start now and then finish a little later. let's see, Cooper is doing baseball and doing so good as first baseman. I honestly can't believe how grown he is  looking and acting!! It seems like just yesterday he was the size of Cade. Wonder if Cade will go as fast????? Caden had his baby dedication at Church on March 24th. Thank you all who drove all this way to see our little peanut dedicated. It really meant a lot to us.  Oh, remember the last post when I was talking about the ear infection at the beach? Weelllll, he never recovered and after 2 different antibiotics and 3 weeks of ear infections, our pedi decided to do 3 shots of Rocephin. Yes, I said shots. Yes, I cried. He went for 3 days straight and had the shots in his legs. Thank God he has chub on his legs because those shots HURT...I've had one and the medication burns and hurts for days after the injection. So anyway, FINALLY he was cleared of that and so far so good!! Coop turned 8 years old on the 28th and it was spring break so he had his birthday party last weekend on the 6th. He also went turkey hunting for the first time that day @ 430am...note to self,no hunting and party/sleepover on the same day.  Anyway, it was all lots of fun and I think he enjoyed the hunting (he's going back) but was disappointed that he didn't see  turkey to shoot.  As far as Cade's sleeping....still not sleeping thru the night but better. He's on a regular schedule with his napping and usually only waking 1 maybe 2 times a night.  Maybe before he's a year?!?!?  I'm sure I'm missing a bunch but here's some random pics for now. more pics of hunting and b'day party to come... Love you all--
Easter Egg hunt and lunch with friends

Do I need to say more?

Target practicing with daddy, Mr. Ronnie, & Ava

K-bug reading to lil cuz

baby dedication Sunday with the g'parents

Coop's b'day at school

present from Cade to bubby(brother)

b'day goodies:)

Mr. Nosey digging thru his toybox and discovering a baby!!

Easter bunny goodies